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Visit from Taiwan’s Tech Institute

This week we welcomed visitors from Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)(工業技術研究院, 工研院) Institute to our Perth Headquarters. Jung-Mu Hsu

Welcome Casey – NSW Project Officer!

The Powering Australia team extends a warm welcome to NSW Project Officer Casey Kwak. Casey together with Node Leader Miriam

Welcome Miriam – NSW Node Leader!

We are super excited to announce the arrival of two new members of Powering Australia’s national team, rounding out an

Meet Sam – First Nations Node Leader!

The Powering Australia team is delighted to welcome Sam Kirby as our First Nations Node Leader. Together with his family,

Not your average ‘Jaunt’

Powering Australia's Tim Matheson was delighted to tour Jaunt’s amazing facility in Melbourne’s south-east with Dave Budge. Jaunt up-cycle iconic

Innovative industry conference in the South West

The inaugural Innovative Industries of the Future Conference hosted by the Government of Western Australia and the South-West Development Commission